sleep on exhausted mode last night, wake up very early this morning.. so sleepy and tired, i already confirm myself of having OT everyday if possible, i got time and energy for it, what i short is mental energy. i never have a proper breakfast every morning, sometime can be nothing in stomach but i problem my lao po try to eat more if possible so that i can grown bigger and not that thin. this morning my father not free to fetch me so i need to get out from my house early for stopping a taxi, an uncle age 70+ fetched me to work, 1936 years, that uncle is very nice, talks to me on the whole way, i am too tired to talk with him. this whole day i act that i am okay to work and OT but actually i already exhausted and very tired, i dont think i can hold it but i will try my best on what am i aftering in future. my work is going very well now, need to learn more and more, the purpose of working is gaining expeerience and learn a lots of things. from my colleague i have learn and know a lots of thing, although his age is not far from me but he is a guy that full with experience on a lots of stuff. from what he say, from what i know, it is true and might be happen. i think twice on it, he is right on a lots of things. my lunch was full, a box of rice, it is damn lots and spicy with some sambal~ my OT is very quick, i mean super quick and mega fast. i feel so fan fan fan fan fan fan fan fan fan, i need someone someone someone someone someone someone to talk or share my feeling, how come my lao po can be the one, why..
lao po, i miss you everyday and night, dream of you everytime when i sleep, think of you always when i am only me, as girl, i know girl will always hope and wish for thier guy be with them everytime, for me, i have the same thinking, i want to be with you always and everything, possible, i want to be everday. i am on a very serious mental exhausted mode, i hope that you can be the one that make me feel relax and fine back, a talk will help. you must always remember this, i am now sacrificing on work.
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